My name is Danielle, and welcome to my blog!

This travel and lifestyle guide is made for those of us with busy schedules – people who feel like they don’t have the time to travel, or just can’t afford it.

You work hard. You give up so much of your time to do your job or stay in school, to help your family and friends, and to keep up with the craziness of life.

I know this because I’m right there with you. I’m a working girl that understands the struggle of wanting an adventurous, thrilling life but feeling like it’s just not feasible.

Good news: it is more than possible to feed your travel bug, and still maintain a healthy, happy, and affordable lifestyle.

There are ways to find the time, and the money. And I’m excited to help and learn alongside you!

It’s about time we break out of our routines, take advantage of our weekends, and bring on the adventure!

Let’s make the most of our days off.

Happy Reading,

Danielle xx

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